This couple sat down next to us on our first day in the cafeteria. I recognized them. When I saw their name tag I realized they were mission presidents in Rome when we trained one of our humanitarian couples in Italy. We were able to attend one of their zone conferences and have been in their home.
Evening session at the Provo temple. This temple is scheduled to be closed for renovation next February.
This was our classroom for the week at the MTC, left to right, Elder and Sister Burningham, he is an ER physician going to the Spain Madrid mission to be the mission medical advisor, Elder and Sister Crimin, he is a family practice doctor going to the Central Africa Area as Area Medical Advisor, Elder and Sister Bailey, he is an anesthesiologist going to the Philippines to be an Area Medical Advisor, Elder and Sister Healy, missionary medical advisor for the Missouri Independence Mission.
Attached below are the talks we gave at our ward sacrament meeting prior to our departure.
Eileen Healy, Lakeview Ward Sacrament Meeting
July 30, 2023
When we make covenants with God, we express our desire to serve Him and our willingness to obey Him. In return God promises us many wonderful blessings.
We make specific covenants with God when we are baptized members of His Son’s church and additional covenants when we go to the temple to receive our endowments. One of the covenants we make in the temple is the Law of Consecration, which means that we dedicate our time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed us to the building up of Jesus Christ’s church on the earth.
Russell and I feel like we have been truly blessed by God in many aspects of our lives. We have determined, that for us as a couple, one way we can try to live the Law of Consecration is by serving our Heavenly Father as senior missionaries. It has taken me three years to recover enough from my bicycle accident so that we could serve full-time again.
As we were preparing to submit our papers for this mission, we contemplated where we would enjoy serving and what type of mission we thought we might be asked to serve. Prospective senior missionaries are encouraged to note preferences for potential locations and kinds of service. We thought we had chosen six very appropriate preferences. Five of them were foreign missions.
We were very surprised to open our call and to read that we had been called to the Missouri Independence Mission. This was definitely not on our radar! Through the subsequent months I prayed that we might have insight as to why we were called to that particular mission. A couple of months ago while in the temple, I had an overwhelming feeling that this call was where my Father in Heaven wanted us to go. I am very, very grateful to have received that confirmation.
In General Conference last April, Sister Camille Johnson said, “As covenant members of His Church, we promise ‘to mourn with those that mourn’ and ‘comfort those that stand in need of comfort.’ Because we are ‘come into the fold God’ and are ‘called his people,’ we ‘are willing to bear one another’s burdens that they may be light.’ “
Sister Johnson continued, noting, “Our covenantal blessing is to partner with Jesus Christ in providing relief, both temporal and spiritual, to all of God’s children. We are a conduit through which He provides relief.”
I would like to relate a personal experience which happened recently where I was a recipient of members fulfilling their baptismal covenants.
About a month ago, Russell and I took 29 members of our family on a nine-day church history tour. We both felt strong impressions that this was something we should do. The trip was planned over a year ago, many months ahead of our receiving a mission call. Our hope was that it would develop or strengthen our children and grandchildren’s testimonies. We also thought that by being in these sacred places, our family members might better understand why we were leaving them to go serve the Lord.
About six days into the tour my 18-year-old grandson, Andrew, became ill. I was concerned about him, but figured maybe he had a flu bug. When we arrived in Independence, I called the mission nurse, with whom I was already acquainted, to see if she had a blood pressure cuff I could borrow; I wanted to do a physical evaluation of Andrew’s vital signs.
The mission office in Independence is only two doors away from the visitor center where we were. Sister Hegvik and I had been in touch previously on a couple of different occasions, as I will be replacing her as the mission nurse in August. Although we were willing to walk to her office, she offered to come with her medical equipment to the visitor center. Andrew’s vital signs were stable and the next day we continued our journey to Adam-ondi-Ahman.
As we traveled that morning, there was a rapid decline in his condition. By the time we got to Farr West, Sister Hegvik and I had exchanged multiple texts discussing Andrew’s condition. Soon she was telling me I must get him to a hospital immediately. I knew he needed help, but she gave me the encouragement I needed to delay the trip for everyone else on the bus.
There is not a lot in the way of medical care in rural Missouri. We were driving through miles and miles of corn fields. We finally found a small hospital in Memphis MO (population 1,720). The bus dropped my daughter Heather, Andrew, and I off around noon and then continued in the direction of Nauvoo IL. The staff at the hospital were amazed that we showed up and had gotten off a tour bus. There are no rental cars or Ubers in Memphis MO. I had no idea how long we would be there, or how we would join the rest of our group, but God knew of our needs. I felt at peace and didn’t worry about transportation.
While Andrew was being evaluated, Heather mentioned she wished he could get a priesthood blessing. The nurse overheard and asked if we were Mormon. She said there was a retired doctor who lived in the area who was Mormon. She contacted Dr. Keller, and he came with another Elder to give Andrew a blessing. Afterwards Dr. Keller told me that there were no missionaries in the area and that he and Brother Achim Hoyal were the only two Melchizedek priesthood holders within the whole county. The nearest branch was 45 miles away. Dr. Keller then offered to drive us to our hotel in Keokuk IA (population 9,700), which was over an hour away. He said regardless of the hour, whenever Andrew was released, he would be happy to take us. It was well after dark that evening before we got to our hotel. Dr. Keller was so kind and gracious with us, he would not even let me pay him for gas. Certainly, this was a tender mercy.
Later that night, or I should say early the next morning (3:30 am), Andrew’s condition went downhill very quickly. He was throwing up blood and the paramedics were called. They would not allow me to go in the ambulance with them. Like in Memphis MO, there were no Ubers or rental cars in Keokuk IA. I was panicked, wanting to be with him and not knowing how I could get to the hospital. We weren’t even sure which city they were taking him to.
It so happened that Andrew was taken to a hospital in Fort Madison IA, where the ER physician happened to be LDS. Dr. Brodale offered his wife Stephanie to come pick me up in the morning and take me to the hospital in Burlington IA where Andrew had been transferred, once again by ambulance. Stephanie picked me up at the hotel and took me to Burlington. She was very kind and offered some peace and solace while I was a stressed-out mess, so concerned about my grandson. She also offered to pick me up at the hospital that evening, no matter what time it was, and take me back to my hotel before our scheduled departure the next day. Once again, another tender mercy.
Unfortunately, a severe windstorm/tornado hit the area later that morning. At the hospital, workers were lowering protective coverings over all the windows. Our other family members were in Nauvoo. They spent a couple of hours sequestered in basements of the historic buildings.
It was interesting that several members of the family told me later that they felt the Spirit so strongly as they joined together with missionaries and visitors singing hymns during the frightening time of the storm. More tender mercies on a challenging day.
While on the trip, members of the family shared thoughts on what we were experiencing, both in person and through a group chat site. With my son-in-law Zak’s permission, I would like to share one of his posts written the morning of Andrew’s transfer by ambulance. It expresses my feelings better than I could on my own.
Zak said, “I had very high hopes of coming on this trip and having big spiritual experiences at places like the Sacred Grove, the Susquehanna, Kirkland temple, etc. But while those visits helped me prove out my belief, I wasn’t having the immense experiences I was hoping for.
“However, the experiences of ‘happening’ upon members of the Church last night and this morning and the absolute love and charity they have shown while consecrating their efforts to help us has suddenly brought it all to me as I recognize just what being a part of the Church meant for the early saints and still means today.It means that we are the miracles that God sends for each other.”
Brothers and sisters, when we seek to keep our covenants by serving God and following His direction, He will give us opportunities to be miracles and tender mercies in others’ lives.
I am so grateful for those covenant keeping members who rendered service to me and my family in our time of need in those small towns in Missouri and Iowa. But most of all, I am grateful for Sister Hegvik, a covenant keeping missionary; for her many texts and emails giving medical advice and encouragement. My hope is that I can be as good a mission nurse for the missionaries of the Missouri Independence Mission, as she was for me in my time of need.
As I mentioned before, a couple of months ago after going to the temple I felt at peace with our call. Now I feel I know one of the reasons why I was called to serve there.
Russell Healy, Lakeview Ward Sacrament Meeting
July 30, 2023
This last week, as a Church and state, we celebrated the arrival of pioneers entering the Salt Lake valley 176 years ago. While I, like most of us here, did not have ancestors who were in that very first wagon company of saints, many of my ancestors did join the Church and immigrate to Utah in later years. As noted in the words of the hymn, Israel, Israel, God Is Calling, they heeded the invitation to “Come to Zion! Come to Zion!”
Prior to my grandfather’s death many years ago, he gave me this book, titled Spencer’s Letters, it’s a compilation of letters written on various gospel subjects, which was used by the early Church missionaries in England and Wales. The book was first given to his great-grandfather by a missionary 150 years ago, prior to my ancestor leaving Wales in 1873 and coming to Utah. From Church records, I can see that he received his “temple ordinances” in 1874 in the Endowment House. There he made covenants with God just as we have the opportunity of doing so today. I have the blessing of standing here today, as a member of Christ’s church, because of the sacrifices made and faithful keeping of covenants by this and many other of my ancestors. My hope is that I can follow in their example and be of similar benefit to my family.
Now whether we have ancestors who joined the Church or are first generation members, we can all be figurative pioneers in the gospel for our posterity. As members of the Church, we all have a part to play in establishing Zion.
In the October 2002 General Conference, Bishop Keith B. McMullin said, “Zion is established and flourishes because of the God-inspired lives and labors of its citizens. Zion comes not as a gift but because virtuous covenant people are drawn together and build it. President Spencer W. Kimball observed, ‘As we sing together ‘Come to Zion,’ we mean … come to the ward, the branch, the mission, the stake, and give assistance to build up Zion.’ Thus, gathered in the Lord’s appointed ways, Latter-day Saints conscientiously strive to bring forth Zion as the ‘kingdom of our God and his Christ,’ preparatory to the Lord’s Second Coming.
“The covenant of consecration encompasses sacrifice, circumscribes love, work, and self-reliance; and is fundamental to the establishment of God’s kingdom. ‘Zion cannot be built up,’ the Lord said, ‘unless it is by the principles of the laws of the celestial kingdom.’ (D&C 105:5) The covenant of consecration is central to this law. … This covenant embraces the ‘giving of one’s time, talents, and means to care for those in need-whether spiritually or temporally-and in building the Lord’s kingdom.’”
When I was young, I thought that the law of consecration was something they did in ancient times (with the city of Enoch and in both the Old and New Worlds following Christ’s death), but that we didn’t practice it today because the early Church members of this dispensation tried and failed at it; and that at some far-off date in the future, we would be required to give all our money and food storage to the bishop, and that would be when we start to live the law of consecration again.
Like a few other things I thought as a youth, I have come to realize that this was incorrect, a concept that was perhaps popular culture but not gospel based. I believe that God has blessed each of us with varying amounts of time, talents, and means; and that just like in The Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30), God will judge us by how we utilize that over which we have stewardship.
As I watch young parents devote all their efforts to raising children, or individuals devoting their lives to caring for an invalid parent or spouse, I recognize I am witnessing consecrated efforts to keep temple covenants. While we can see examples of consecrated service all around us, we need to be mindful not to judge the results of their or our efforts. That is God’s role, ours is just to keep our covenants and serve.
Within the Church we speak of ‘the covenant path’ back to our Father in Heaven. While the major ‘milestones’ along that path may be similar for all, the challenges along that journey in life are different for each of us. Elder Neal A. Maxwell tells us that, “Consecration is both a principle and a process, and it is not tied to a single moment.” Our ability and success at living the Law of Consecration seem to be something we individually grow into over time - if we seek it.
Elder Maxwell reminded us, “It is only fair to warn that any determination to seek greater consecration will soon expose what we yet lack, a painful but necessary thing. Remember the rich, righteous young man who was told by Jesus, ‘One thing thou lackest’? (Mark 10:21) Ananias and Sapphira, otherwise good members of the Church, ‘kept back;’ a portion instead of consecrating their all. (Acts 5:1-11)
“Unfortunately, we tend to think of consecration only in terms of property and money. But there are so many ways of keeping back part. One might be giving of money and time and yet hold back a significant portion of himself. One might share talents publicly yet privately retain a particular pride. One might hold back kneeling before God’s throne and yet bow to a particular gallery of peers. One might accept a Church calling but have his heart more set on maintaining a certain role in the world.
“Still others find it easier to bend their knees than their minds. Exciting exploration is preferred to plodding implementation; speculation seems more fun than consecration.” (Maxwell, Oct. 1992)
Ultimately, the submission of one’s will is really the only personal thing we have to give, everything else we give (time, talents, means, etc.) are actually things God has already given or made us stewards over.
Tucked inside this book that my grandfather gave me, was one of his missionary cards from when he was a service missionary and “Host” on Temple Square. It has his name and contact information on one side with a picture of the Salt Lake Temple, and The Articles of Faith on the back side. It was while he was serving in this capacity that he first met Eileen. Eileen was one of the young women who conducted tours on Temple Square. And it was he who introduced us to each other in the old North Visitors Center.
In addition to commemorating Pioneer Day this last week, Eileen and I also celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary; the day on which we were sealed as husband and wife for “time and all eternity.” This ordinance, like baptism and other temple ordinances, also involves making and keeping covenants with God. But unlike those other ordinances, the covenants in this ordinance are not solely made with God.
With baptism, when we make and keep those covenants with God (to obey his commandments, to always remember Him, and to take Christ’s name upon us), He promises us the Gift of the Holy Ghost as a constant companion. And when we make and keep our endowment related covenants in the temple, our Father in Heaven promises us all that we need to make our way back into His presence following our time here on earth. When we make and keep our temple marriage/sealing covenants, God promises us exaltation and eternal life.
Our covenant path back to our Father in Heaven is an individual one. It requires each of us to make and keep our covenants with God. Others may help us along the way, but salvation in the celestial kingdom must be qualified for individually. For exaltation and eternal life, we first make marriage covenants as a couple and then keep them individually. I feel very blessed to be on this journey with Eileen and look forward to spending not just the next 18 months with her on this mission, but for all eternity, should I be found worthy of it.
Now just as the old North Visitor Center on Temple square where Eileen and I met has been torn down and its elements “returned to the earth,” my grandfather’s missionary/name card, and likely this book, given enough time, will also turn to dust. While important to me, they are all temporal in nature. The benefits of keeping our covenants, on the other hand, are eternal; they are among the few things that we can take with us following our passing from this life.
Brothers and sisters, I am grateful for the opportunity to make covenants with God; to have that divine guidance in my life. I am grateful for ancestors, those both distant and close, who have been faithful to their covenants and taught me by their words and example. I am grateful for a Father in Heaven who loves me enough to try and guide me through this earthly experience. And I am grateful for His son, my Savior, and the opportunity that His sacrifice has given me to repent. I feel it an honor to be able to serve again as a full-time representative of Jesus Christ and His church. And I say these things in His name, Jesus Christ, Amen.