We finally feel like we are getting sort of organized and catching up on our work (it may be an illusion). This past week we have been meeting with doctors and organizations trying to figure out what we will do in the future. On Monday we met with an opthamalogist. We are interested in finding someone who would like to partner with the church in east Java who would providing their time for free as we provide the supplies for the poor to receive cataract surgeries. We also met with a group that works with cleft lip and cleft palate babies. This was enjoyable for Eileen, especially due to her background with Operation Smile. This organization does a lot of pre-op and post-op teaching, making sure that the children get enough nutritionally and that the mothers are aware of how to care for the children's needs after surgery. We will be coordinating with a NGO from the Jogja area that distributes wheelchairs to those in need, many of whom have cerebral palsy. It was interesting to see the list of those that they had distributed to recently, included some clients as old as 80 years old. The pictures below are of Russell and I at the medical distributor looking at equipment that our church will be donating to hospitals in central Java. The two hospitals are in rural areas east of Semarang. They were very excited about the possibility of a defibrillator. They don't know about the monitors yet. Another hospital will be getting an X-ray machine. Hopefully this will improve the quality of medical care in the area.
It is interesting to hear about your experiences to far! The supplies I am sure are much needed and just common here in the US. The Church does so many wonderful and amazing things throughout the world! Keep safe!!!