Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Last week we attended a talent show put on by the Jakarta Stake.  It was very well organized.  We were told that the doors would be closed at 9:45 with the start time at 10:00. Sure enough the event started 15 minutes early; unusual for Indonesia.  As we arrived young adults greeted us dressed in black tie.  We were able to choose our seating with young women helping us that were dressed in fairy tale attire.  Among the presentations were a professional looking movie, singing, Balinese and Chinese dancers, Hiphop artists, a ballet dancer, several singers and much, much more.  We had some other obligations to attend to and were unable to stay the full 5 hours.

On Friday through Sunday we were blessed to have the rare opportunity to have meetings with three Seventies.  In our church a Seventy is a calling that can be either Church-wide or area specific only.  Their purpose is to proclaim the gospel and to administer the affairs the church.  They usually do a significant amount of travel.  We had Elder and Sister Gonzalez visiting from Salt Lake, Elder and Sister Gong from Hong Kong and Elder Subandriyo from Indonesia.. 

Among the memories I have of three days of conference are the following:

Sister Gong said where they live in Hong Kong it is quite noisy.  Often they can’t hear each other from one room to another.  During the summer when she went home she had her hearing tested.  After the exam, the doctor said he had good news for her. Her ears were fine, but perhaps she needed to pay more attention.  She asked us in our relationships with others if we pay attention to what they are really saying and want to know what they are feeling.  She said in their marriage they play a game where they say “I love you because” and then go on to describe why they love each other.  She described how grateful she was to all who helped with the program, especially the mother of the choir pianist.  The pianist was a young man/teenager.  This made me feel good as I (Eileen) had been asked to play the piano spur of the moment and had played piano prelude for 40 minutes.  Sister Gong went on to describe how Jesus Christ loves all of us despite our sins.

Elder Gong described how he had visited three families that morning and had cried with them, each over different situations.  The gospel of Jesus Christ has the answer to all of life's challanges. Sometimes we cry with anger or frustration, sometimes we cry over joy and happiness.  Whatever our feelings, our Savior is aware.

Sister Gonzalez talked about when she had a major surgery and had received anesthetic.  Her body was paralyzed but she could still hear.  She tried to call out to the doctor to put her to sleep but he couldn’t hear her.  Finally she prayed with all her strength that she would be able to sleep through the operation. The next thing she remembers is waking up and the nurses telling her that everything went well. Sister Gonzalez reminded us that when we are in painful situations and think we can go on no more, to remember who cares about us most, and go to the Lord in prayer.  He knows our needs and will help us.

Elder Gonzalez talked about welfare principles.    He said to get rid of debt for it is the plague.  It is bondage.   In the olden days, slaves were put up for sale on the open market.  Today we put ourselves up as slaves by going to the market and buying things on credit.  He told the story about wanting an electric razor. It was quite expensive. He put it in his cart and walked around for one hour with it in his cart while his wife shopped. When she went through the cashier's line he went and put it back on the shelf.  He wanted it badly and it was his……for one hour.

Not only should the younger generation get an education but also the older generation can improve their skills.  Stay updated on whatever profession you are doing.  President Hinckley said that those that train their minds and hands are an honor to their families.

Lastly he recommended to be wise with purchases of food.  Save food instead of throwing it away.  (On a personal note we see many people in Indonesia going through the garbage and recycling many times over what has been thrown out. We can sometimes be a very wasteful). 

We were uplifted and taught well by the leaders at our conference.  We are grateful to have had the opportunity to be able to listen to them and greet them personally.



Sunday, November 11, 2012


This talk was given by Russell today in the Jakarta 2nd ward in Bahasa Indonesia.  We have posted a copy in English and then will follow with the copy in Bahasa Indonesia.

Just a few days ago I was talking to my daughter who lives near Boise, Idaho.  The Boise temple has just been recently refurbished and currently it is open to the public prior to its re-dedication later this month.  My daughter and her husband have been called to serve as tour guides for those wishing to visit the temple.  They are regular patrons of the temple.  Each time we would visit them from our home in Utah we would attend the temple with them. 

When I was asked to speak by the bishopric on temples, this recent conversation came to mind along with many other thoughts.  I pondered about the many important and happy events in my life which have taken place at a temple.  Just prior to leaving on a mission years ago, I received my endowment in the SLC temple.  Months later as I waited in the MTC for a visa I was a tour guide at the Hawaii temple.  After returning home I met Sister Healy on Temple Square where she was a tour guide.  Later we were married in the Provo temple.  My two children from India were sealed to us in the Washington DC temple and I witnessed four of my children married in the SLC temple.  Indeed, many of life’s most important events take on a sacred and eternal aspect when conducted in a temple.

Returning to live with in our Father’s presence with our loved ones following this life requires us to do a number of things.  President Hinkley explained that, “It will involve participation in various ordinances, each one important and necessary.  The first of these is baptism . . . followed by . . . the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  Then . . . for men, ordination to the priestood, followed by blessings of the temple for both men and women who are worthy to enter therein.

“These temple blessings include our washings and anointings that we may be clean before the Lord.  They include the . . . endowment of obligations and blessings that motivate us to behavior compatible with the principles of the gospel.  They include the sealing ordinances by which ‘that which is bound on earth is bound in heaven,’ providing for the continuity of the family.” (Ensign, Feb. 1982, 3)

The endowment which we receive in the temple is a gift from God.  President Brigham Young said, “ Your endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the house of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father . . . and gain your eternal exaltation.” (Discources of Brigham Young, John Witsoe, 1941, 416)

Temple ordinances and blessing are not limited to the living but to all who have ever lived.  “For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, . . . they without us cannot be made perfect – neither can we without our dead be made perfect.” (D&C 128:15)

Regarding geneology efforts and the temple work for our deceased ancestors, Elder Russell M. Nelson said, “By doing for others what they cannot do for themselves, we emulate the pattern of the Savior, who wrought the Atonement to bless the lives of other people.” (Personal Preparation for Temple Blessings)  

I testify to you that temples are the Lord’s house, that ordinances performed there do have eternal significance and that many are on the “other-side” just waiting for us to perform temple ordinances on their behalf. 

Twelve years ago I had the privilege of home-teaching Alia and his two sons.  Alia passed away just months after his baptism but prior to attending the temple.  His wife had preceded him in death by several years.  Then about five years ago I had the opportunity of attending the Idaho Falls temple with Sister Healy and Alias sons.  That temple visit was one of the most spiritual events in my life.  I know Alia was by my side.  I know that as Sister Healy and I knelt at the alter, and were married on their behalf, and then with the two boys were sealed as a family, that Alias wife was there also as were other of his ancestors who’s temple work was being done that day.  The veil between this world and the next is rarely thinner than when we are in the temple.

Participation in temple worship comes at a price, a price of committment and worthiness.  Each person who wishes to enter the temple must be interviewed by both their bishop and stake president and found worthy for a temple recommend.

President Howard W. Hunter said, “It would please the Lord for every adult member to be worthy of – and to carry – a current temple recommend, even if proximity to a temple does not allow immediate or frequent use of it.  The things that we must do and not do to be worthy of a temple recommend are the very things that ensure we will be happy as individuals and as families.” (A Temple-Motivated People)

Those of us who are parents need to share with our children and grandchildren the spiritual feelings we have in the temple.  We need to teach them about the purposes of temples.  Keep a picture of a temple in your homes where they may see often.  Work with them from their early years to plan on going there someday and be worthy to do so when that great day comes.

Brothers and Sisters, may we all keep ourselves worthy and have a current temple recommend, may we do our genealogy, may we teach our children about the importance of temples, and then attend the temple when life grants us the opportunity.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Hanya beberapa hari yang lalu saya berbicara dengan putri saya yang tinggal di dekat Boise, Idaho. Bait suci Boise baru saja direnovasi dan saat ini terbuka untuk umum sebelum didedikasi ulang nanti bulan ini. Putri saya dan suaminya telah dipanggil untuk melayani sebagai pemandu wisata bagi mereka yang ingin mengunjungi bait suci. Mereka adalah patron biasa dari bait suci. Setiap kali kami akan mengunjungi mereka dari rumah kami di Utah, kami akan menghadiri bait suci bersama mereka.

Ketika saya diminta untuk berbicara oleh keuskupan mengenai bait suci, pembicaraan baru-baru ini datang ke dalam pikiran saya, bersama dengan pikiran lain. Saya merenungkan tentang peristiwa-peristiwa penting dan bahagia dalam hidup saya yang telah terjadi di bait suci. Tepat sebelum pergi  misi bertahun-tahun lalu, saya menerima pemberkahan saya di bait suci Salt Lake City. Beberapa bulan kemudian saat saya menunggu di PPM (Pusat Pelatihan Misi) untuk visa saya, saya adalah seorang pemandu wisata di bait suci Hawaii. Setelah pulang dari misi saya, saya bertemu Sister Healy di Taman Bait Suci dimana dia adalah seorang pemandu wisata. Kemudian kami menikah di bait suci Provo. Dua anak saya dari India dimeteraikan kepada kami di bait suci Washington DC dan saya menyaksikan empat anak saya menikah di bait suci Salt Lake. Memang, banyak peristiwa yang paling penting dalam kehidupan mengambil aspek sakral dan abadi ketika dilakukan di bait suci.

Untuk kembali serta hidup di hadirat Allah, dengan orang yang kita kasihi setelah kehidupan ini, mengharuskan kita untuk melakukan beberapa hal. Presiden Hinkley menjelaskan bahwa, "Ini akan melibatkan partisipasi dalam berbagai tata cara, setiap tata cara penting dan diperlukan. Yang pertama adalah baptisan. . . diikuti oleh. . . Karunia Roh Kudus. Kemudian. . . untuk pria, penahbisan ke dalam keimamatan, diikuti dengan berkat bait suci bagi pria dan wanita yang layak untuk masuk di dalamnya.

" Berkat bait suci ini termasuk pembasuhan dan pengurapan yang memungkinkan kita bersih di hadapan Tuhan. Hal-hal itu termasuk. . . pemberkahan kewajiban dan berkat yang memotivasi kita untuk berperilaku yang kompatibel dengan asas-asas Injil. Termasuk tata cara pemeteraian dimana 'apa yang terikat di bumi terikat di surga,' menyediakan kelangsungan keluarga "(Ensign, Februari 1982, 3).

Pemberkahan yang kita terima di bait suci adalah karunia dari Allah. Presiden Brigham Young berkata, " Pemberkahan Anda adalah, untuk menerima semua tata cara di dalam rumah Tuhan, yang penting bagi Anda, setelah Anda meninggalkan kehidupan ini, untuk memungkinkan Anda berjalan kembali ke hadirat Bapa. . . dan mendapatkan peningkatan kekal Anda "(Discources Brigham Young, John Witsoe, 1941, 416).

Tata cara bait suci dan berkat yang tidak terbatas untuk mereka yang hidup, tetapi untuk semua yang pernah hidup. "Karena keselamatan mereka adalah perlu dan penting demi keselamatan kita,. . . mereka tanpa kita tidak dapat dijadikan sempurna - tidak juga dapatlah kita tanpa orang mati   kita  dijadikan sempurna "(A & P 128:15).

Mengenai upaya silsilah dan pekerjaan bait suci bagi leluhur yang telah meninggal kita, Penatua Russell M. Nelson mengatakan, "Dengan melakukan untuk orang lain apa yang mereka tidak bisa mereka lakukan sendiri, kita meniru pola Juruselamat, yang ditempa Pendamaian untuk memberkati kehidupan orang lain "(Persiapan Pribadi bagi Berkat-Berkat Bait Suci).

Saya bersaksi kepada Anda bahwa bait suci adalah rumah Tuhan, bahwa tata cara dilakukan di sana memang memiliki makna kekal dan bahwa banyak yang berada di "sisi lain" hanya menunggu kita untuk melakukan tata cara bait suci atas nama mereka.

Dua belas tahun yang lalu saya mendapat kehormatan untuk menjadi pengajar kerumah Alia dan dua putranya. Alia meninggal hanya enam bulan setelah pembaptisan, tapi sebelum menghadirinya  bait suci. Istrinya telah mendahuluinya dalam kematian beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Kemudian sekitar lima tahun yang lalu saya berkesempatan menghadiri bait suci Idaho Falls dengan Sister Healy dan anak anak Alia. Kunjungan bait suci itu adalah salah satu peristiwa yang paling spiritual dalam kehidupan saya. Saya tahu Alia berada di samping saya. Saya tahu bahwa saat Sister Healy dan saya berlutut di altar, dan menikah atas nama mereka, dan kemudian dengan dua anak laki-laki dimeteraikan sebagai sebuah keluarga, bahwa istri Alia ada di sana seperti juga leluhurnya dimana pekerjaan bait suci  sedang dilakukan hari itu. Tabir antara dunia dan akhirat tidak pernah lebih tipis daripada ketika kita berada di bait suci.

Partisipasi dalam peribadatan bait suci datang dengan harga, dan harganya adalah komitmen dan kelayakan. Setiap orang yang ingin memasuki bait suci harus diwawancarai oleh baik uskup maupun presiden pasak dan didapati layak untuk sebuah rekomendasi bait suci.

Presiden Howard W. Hunter mengatakan, "Ini akan menyenangkan Tuhan bagi setiap anggota dewasa menjadi layak - dan untuk membawa - rekomendasi bait suci yang berlaku, bahkan jika kedekatan dengan bait suci tidak memungkinkan itu digunakan segera atau sering. Hal-hal yang harus kita lakukan dan tidak lakukan untuk menjadi layak bagi rekomendasi bait suci adalah hal yang tepat yang memastikan kita akan bahagia sebagai individu dan sebagai keluarga "(Sebuah Bait Suci Termotivasi Rakyat).

Kita yang adalah orang tua perlu berbagi dengan anak-anak kita dan cucu-cucu kita perasaan rohani yang kita miliki di bait suci. Kita perlu mengajar mereka tentang tujuan bait suci. Simpanlah gambar sebuah bait suci di rumah Anda di mana mereka dapat melihat sering gambar tersebut. Bekerja dengan mereka dari tahun-tahun awal mereka untuk merencanakan untuk pergi ke sana suatu hari nanti dan menjadi layak untuk melakukannya ketika hari  besar itu datang.

Saudara-saudara, marilah  kita semua  menjaga diri kita layak dan memiliki sebuah rekomendasi bait suci yang berlaku, marilah kita lakukan silsilah kita bagi leluhur kita, marilah  kita mengajar anak-anak kita mengani kepentingan bait suci, dan kemudian menghadiri bait suci ketika kita berkesempatan untuk berbuat begitu. Saya mengatakan hal ini dalam nama Yesus Kristus, Amin.


Last Sunday evening we had the pleasure to have a visit and talk from Sister Linda Reeves from the Relief Society General Board and Elder Larry Wilson who is a Seventy in the Area Presidency from Hong Kong.  It was a special privelege to have both of them here.   Both speakers gave excellent talks.   Sister Reeves made a point of finding out the demographics of the audiences asking individuals to stand according to different categories.  She then talked about Heavenly Father's love for each individual.  She also talked about preparing to go to the temple.  We live a long way from a temple. Currently there is a group getting ready to go to the Hong Kong temple.  Others have gone to the Manila, Philipines temple.  Sister Reeves called on some young women and older people from the congregation to  talk about their feelings regarding going to the temple.  She also discussed her love of missionary work.  Elder Wilson talked about some advice he got while in a meeting with the First Presidency in Salt Lake City. "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE UP", and how that could apply in our lives.  He told about a man that he taught over 40 years ago while he served his mission in Brazil.  Last winter he went back to Brazil and was able to baptize that man who is now in his 80s. 

Here are comments from a talk that Sister Reeves made concerning adversity at a meeting for women in September:

Sharing a personal story of when she was a young mother with a large family and her husband became very ill with a rare disease, Sister Reeves spoke of the importance of staying close to the Savior and Heavenly Father during times of trial.
“As the weeks went by and the sicker he became, the more I became convinced that he was dying,” she said. “I told no one of my fears. We had a large, young family and a loving, eternal marriage, and the thought of losing my husband and raising my children by myself filled me with loneliness, despair and even anger.”
Sister Reeves said that her initial response to this trial was to pull away from her Heavenly Father.
“For days I quit praying; I quit planning; I cried,” she said. “I finally came to the realization that I could not do this alone. For the first time in many days, I knelt down and poured out my heart to my Father in Heaven, pleading for forgiveness for turning away from Him, telling Him all of my deepest feelings, and finally crying out that, if this was what He really wanted me to do, I would do it. I knew He must have a plan for our lives.”
As she continued to pour out her heart on her knees, Sister Reeves said that the sweetest, most peaceful, loving feeling came over her.
“It was as if a blanket of love was flowing over me. It was as if I could feel Heavenly Father saying, ‘That was all I needed to know.’ I determined never to turn away from Him again. Gradually and amazingly my husband began to get better until he made a full recovery.”
Years later, Sister Reeves and her husband were pleading with their Heavenly Father for the life of their 17-year-old daughter.
“This time the answer was no, but that same feeling of love and peace that our Savior has promised was just as powerful, and we knew that even though Heavenly Father was calling her back home, everything would be all right. We have come to know what it means to cast our burdens upon the Lord, to know that He loves us and feels compassion for us in our sorrows and pains. …
No matter the situation someone is facing, it is through turning to Heavenly Father and the Savior that people will feel and see for themselves the love they have for them—individually. It is through the Lord’s Atonement all can find comfort.
“He has not forgotten you,” she said. “Whatever sin or weakness or pain or struggle or trial you are going through, He knows and understands those very moments. He loves you! And He will carry you through those moments. … He has paid the price that He might know how to succor you. Cast your burdens upon Him. Tell your Heavenly Father how you feel. Tell Him about your pain and your afflictions, and then give them to Him. Search the scriptures daily. There you will also find great solace and help.”
We both know that the Lord is very aware of our burdens and heartaches.  Life definitely has it's challenges.  Our responsibility is to stay strong in the face of adversity and turn to the Lord rather than away from him.  We are so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and a Savior that knows us and loves us.


Sunday, November 4, 2012


Friday morning we learned of another fire, this time on the east side of Central Jakarta.  The newspaper reported that a man's propane tank blew up and took out 119 homes.  Seven hundred and fifty three people were displaced.   It is hard to realize how close the homes are here in proximity to each other until you have walked the lanes of these neighborhoods. There are no yards. The alley ways are 4-6 ft wide. Each home is literally built with the wall attached to the wall of their neighbor. Another home is on an upper floor. Thirty fire trucks responded but it was so difficult to access the area that they were unable to reach the homes easily. 

When we arrived Saturday morning we found men, women and children working to clean the debris from their homes.  Then there were people out in the street picking through the debris including a lady picking up nails and a man hauling away metal siding.  Everything in Indonesia is recycled.  Our garbage is probably looked through 3-4 times before it actually goes to its finally resting place.   Families smiled at us and told us to be careful while walking through the debris, obviously surprised to see foreigners there.  When we got to a large lot full of ash the "neighbors" wanted a group picture with the Beamans and us, both senior missionaries.  They placed us front and center.  Many photos were taken. Unfortunately, for some reason the person using my camera didn't end up taking a photo so I don't have a copy of the neighborhood photo.

 Outside a light drizzle was coming down.  The elderly and small children seemed to be sheltered in the mosque. After our tour of the fire location we went to the van and had some local people pull out the hygiene kits our Indonesian church members had  prepared two weeks ago for such an emergency.  In the hygiene kits were blankets, soap, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste and shampoo.  We asked about further needs of the people and will try and visit them this week with other supplies.  

We are most grateful for our dry apartment tonight while torrential rains are coming down.  We pray for those less fortunate than ourselves and hope in a small way that perhaps the blankets we offered to a few of God's children might keep them warm this evening.