This week we witnessed answers to our prayers, showing us once again that God is involved in the details of our lives. Last Sunday we decided to fast and pray for two specific things. First, that Lance and Grace (the couple from our building that are taking the missionary discussions), would continue reading in the Book of Mormon, attending church with us, and receive answers to their prayers about the truth of what they are being taught. Secondly, we were concerned about our daughter Jessica who has been experiencing pain in her feet, legs and back. We prayed that she might be comforted and get the proper medical care she needed.
Last Monday night Lance was working a second job and was unable to attend the next discussion but Grace and her seven year-old daughter came to our apartment to meet with the sister missionaries again. The lesson was on the Plan of Salvation, answering the questions of why are we here on earth, where did we come from, and what happens to us after this life. It was timely as the Relief Society lesson she had heard the day prior in church was on genealogy and doing ordinance work for our deceased ancestors. With both of Grace's parents having passed on it was something she was interested about. Just the week before was the holiday here similar to Memorial Day in the U.S. and they had gone to visit the graves of deceased relatives. During our meeting, the sister missionaries invited Grace to be baptized next month. Grace was concerned about her worthiness to be baptized. It lead to a tender discussion of how God wants us to change and have the opportunity to repent. I (Russell) suggested we give Grace the list of questions that are asked in the baptismal interview. I believe Grace felt better after looking at the list and realizing that God did not expect her (or any of us) to be perfect today but that she just have a sincere desire to strive for perfection through the atonement of Jesus Christ. When we parted Monday night Grace said she would pray about being baptized. Today, after she attended church with us, she brought up being baptized next month.
It was just a year ago later this month that our daughter Jessica and her family moved to Oregon. Her efforts to get in to see a primary care doctor, much less a specialist for her back pain, was a challenging process with the next available appointment weeks or months away. Fortunately, one of her friends from church brought in a meal, learned more about her issues and then said she would ask her husband to help out. The friend’s husband happens to be a neurologist. He got Jessica in to have two MRI tests this last week and another on Monday, and set up an appointment for Jessica to meet with a neurosurgeon on Tuesday. Our prayers that Jessica get the proper medical care were answered more quickly than we expected. While I am sure this is just the beginning of what may turn out to be a issue which takes several months (or longer) to resolve, it is clear to me that God is looking out for His daughter Jessica.
As I thought and prayed about Jessica’s situation recently, it occurred to me that perhaps her moving to Oregon had just as much to do with her being able to get the medical care she would need quickly as it did about Steve’s job. The neurologist in her ward has functioned this last week like her own personal primary care physician. The neurosurgeon which she will meet on Tuesday is very highly rated, is experienced in working with Jessica’s issue and is usually difficult to get an appointment with. As I was pondering about God’s being aware of Jessica’s future medical issue well over a year in advance and making arrangements for taking care of her, it also occurred to me that it was just two months after Jessica moved to Oregon that we felt that it was time for us to serve another mission. In fact it was while we were in the airport waiting to fly up to see Jessica that I read about President Alder being called to serve in the Philippines and my feeling that I should write to congratulate him on his calling. I all but knew where my email would lead us. The past few days we have worried about not being home to help take care of Jessica and her family. I think this was God’s way of telling me that he loves Jessica and is looking after her better than I could; that God wanted us here in Antipolo knowing the family issues that would come up during our absence; that he will let me know what I should do in the future regarding Jessica; and for the time being that I should just be still, know that God is in control, and recognize the miracles happening around me.
Sister Bradshaw, Grace and Sister Lulab in our home after discussion |
Eileen and Russell in Manila temple after session with departing missionaries. The prayer said that day was very touching to me. During the prayer for those that were sick the officiator prayed for those with needs, that they might have an improvement in their health, the wisdom to know how to proceed to make their adversities more tolerable, the strength to deal with their struggles, and hope in the knowledge that God is aware of them. |
Departing missionaries after the visit to the temple. |
Their final meal-Mcdos (or Macdonalds) |
Sixteen new missionaries arrived this week and were greeted by President and Sister Alder while being serenaded by Elder Olivas, Elder Thieriault and Sister Wilson |
President and Sister Alder with the new missionaries |
During apartment inspections this sister got the award for the best made bed in the mission |
Sister Wilson helping Russell assemble wardrobe closets |
Sister Wilson cooking a pretty good meal of beef and green beans. She has a dance scholarship and tries really hard to be healthy. |
Many of the fridges have the freezer door broken off. The freezers get pretty disgusting even when the missionaries try to clean them out. This freezer door is replaced by cardboard. Russell got permission to buy new fridges for those in this kind of condition. |
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