As I (Russell) look back at this last week, nothing stands out to me to write about. We both have been very busy, but just with the usual medical and vehicle related issues. I guess I should be grateful that nothing has gone wrong. A few weeks ago, a member of our home ward was preparing to give a talk in sacrament meeting about senior missionaries. He was asked to address Elder Rasband’s most recent conference talk. In preparation for his talk, he asked us and other returned senior missionaries for our thoughts on serving missions. We were able to listen to the meeting over Zoom, and he used parts of what we had sent him. Below are the letters we provided him.
Congratulations on having a difficult subject to speak on but a great audience to speak to. We have a number of wonderful people in the ward, some of whom we have already reached out to, to see if they would like to join us here serving in Independence.
You have asked for “words of encouragement for those thinking about serving a mission, and what it has meant to [me].” I’m not sure this is what you will want to share, but I will try.
Elder Rasband told of his parent’s experience serving and the family they helped come into the Church. That was and is very inspiring, an experience that would make the entire time serving worth every minute of the time sacrificed that it took to accomplish. I have had a similar experience in the Philippines, and I don’t have the words to describe how wonderful it was. But what people often don’t understand is that the time actually working with those individuals that join the Church are only a small portion of the total time spent on a mission. For me it was only on my fourth full-time mission as a senior that I had that experience. Many (most?) senior missionaries don’t get the experience of baptizing someone.
I have heard many say that your family will be blessed for your service as a missionary. While I know that is true (having the benefit of years of hindsight), I also know that hard/challenging things happen to family members while we are away. I believe the greatest blessing for your family members of you being on a mission is the example you set that perhaps they may follow.
I have also heard, even over the pulpit, that you can choose your mission, that you can get do something you may deem fun, interesting, fulfilling, or go someplace exciting. The truth is, that may happen, and it may not. If we are going on a mission to do what we want then we may end up disappointed. If we go because we are submitting our will to that of our Father in Heaven, then we should be ready to be surprised by what He thinks is best. The song, I’ll go where you want me to go, is a lot easier to sing than it is to go, say or be what the Lord would have us do.
Serving missions with Eileen has made my love for her grow stronger than it would have otherwise. The best part of my day is when I am serving with her. And while I can be with her at home, serving full-time with her has just brought us closer as we strive full-time in a shared purpose. We are working together on an eternal goal of serving our Lord.
However, for me, the reason I serve is that I love my Father in Heaven and I want to be a good son. I want to please him. I have covenanted to consecrate my time, talents, etc. to the building up of the kingdom of God on earth. Serving missions seems like a reasonable way for me to try and keep that covenant. I know I fail often in my efforts to follow my Savior and do God’s will. I am grateful He keeps giving me the chance to try to do better.
Elder Healy
Hi Jorge,
So nice of you to think of us.
Russell and I feel like there are two reasons why we serve. 1) We have been blessed with so much, we will never be able to repay Heavenly Father for all he has done for us. 2) We have made a covenant in the temple to dedicate our time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed us to the building up of Jesus Christ’s church on earth. For us personally, that means serving multiple missions.
Missions can be very hard. A mission can stretch you to do things you didn’t think you are capable of. Likewise, a mission can be extremely rewarding. I feel great joy as I help the missionaries with their health issues and know that I am helping them so they can further the work here in the Independence Mission.
Miracles come on a regular basis in my nursing position. Doors have opened up to get the missionaries into the right doctor expeditiously, when I thought it might take months to get an appointment. I have been inspired to seek certain care for missionaries, that I know didn’t come just from my own thoughts.
Advice I would give to others, leave your grandkids, your home, your pets and go serve. The Lord will watch over your family. I would say that the Lord can certainly take care of your family better than you could if you were home. Trust in Him.
We have made associations in the mission field with both young missionaries and also other senior missionaries which will last a lifetime. As we serve in the Independence area and know of the sacrifices the early saints made to make it possible for me to have the gospel in my life today, I would say the effort I am giving is small in comparison.
If any of the seniors in our ward want to serve here, we have needs in our mission. Currently we have a critical need for a Spanish speaking couple and a couple to serve the young single adults. You are needed. We want you here!
With kind regards,
Sister Eileen Healy

Our one Christmas decoration in our apartment. It makes me happy every time I see it.
The computer I bought last week would not work with a double monitor so I had to return it and
purchase another one. Thankfully, the area looked pretty where the computer store was located and we were able to enjoy the Christmas lights.
My daughter knows I love amaryllis. The three bulbs in the red wax grow without water, it is pretty amazing. I will spend a lot of time watching these grow while talking with missionaries on the phone.
This is the courthouse in Independence. It reminds me of the courthouse on "Back to the Future."
This Gilbert and Whitney store was originally owned by Elder Gilbert and Newell Whitney. It has been restored. One of the original walls still exists.
We went to the Living Windows in Independence. The stores had all sorts of Christmas type activities going on in the windows. This young woman was singing Christmas songs and it was broadcast outside. We both enjoyed the evening walking through downtown Independence. We both decided that Independence is growing on us.
The Grinch was making different faces at me while I was taking the photo.