Sunday, January 14, 2024


There is a Norwegian proverb that says, “There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.” Others have said similar things, all which basically come down to making it my fault that I have been freezing the last few days.  It is early afternoon and looking out my window I see the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and it is -4 degrees Fahrenheit.  Before sundown, the day’s high may reach -2.  Last night, I was unable to successfully explain to Eileen why people would play football when it was -9 (with a windchill of maybe -20), or why the stadium would be full of spectators just to watch a game. 

We had gone to the temple yesterday and quickly recognized that nothing we had brought with us was going to keep us warm.  So afterward, it was off to Walmart to buy multiple pair of thermal underwear.  I have known for a few days that the weather was going to be sub-zero for the zone conference this coming week.  I’ve made plans to minimize what we do outside with the cars in an effort to not give the mission nurse any more sick senior missionaries.  The most critical thing I have to do, putting the new registration stickers on the license plates of several cars, was concerning to me.  I knew that adhesives are degraded by the cold, so I was exploring on the internet to find out just how warm it had to be for the new stickers to stick.  There were many opinions, but it was the Wisconsin DMV which actually gave the best advice: take the plates off, take them indoors, get them to room temperature, put on the stickers, and then put the plates back on.


The stake president canceled church today, due to the weather, so we listened in on our home ward’s meetings.  In addition to being great meetings, it was fun to hear and see our neighbors from home.  Earlier this week, Kai Hintze dropped by to see us for a few minutes.  He was on a work trip, visiting Independence, Adam-ondi-Ahman and Nauvoo.  We have been very blessed to live and raise our children in Centerville, surrounded by many good, wonderful people.

I (Eileen) received an urgent call stating that one of our senior missionaries had slipped on the ice outside her apartment and hit her head on the cement. After talking with the sister, I was concerned that she might need to go to the ER as she was very disoriented. Russell and I visited her in person and these two elders came to give her a blessing.  Elder Fisher had only been in the mission field two days and had never given a blessing before, so Russell and Elder Fleming gave her a priesthood blessing. Sister Hardy said afterwards that it was almost like angels were caressing her head as she hit the ground with her fall. Her condition improved significantly after      the priesthood blessing. 

Kai Hintze from our ward in Centerville dropped by our office and visited with us for a while. He is the Director of Temporal Affairs for the Historic Sites. We had a wonderful time visiting with him. 

Russell found these overshoes in the closet at the office. They will keep his feet dry in bad weather. 


                                           Posted on Facebook Saturday.

 This is an oops. Russell tried to open the blinds to show me how beautiful the weather looks even though it is so cold. The blinds refused to go back down. This is our version of fixing them. 

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