Sunday, June 2, 2024


The past two months have been so busy that I (Russell) have probably not noticed blessings that have happened along the way.   I recognize the great help several of the senior missionaries have been to help me with some of the vehicle coordinator duties.  As I was getting ready to leave the office Friday afternoon it hit me that on Monday morning Elder Parker would be there.  I was almost surprised that we had made it through the last two months without anything blowing up.  I realize that it was not only from this side of the veil that I had received help.  As I said a simple prayer of thanks before leaving the office, it seemed an inadequate recognition of God’s help with my office duties.

We have a senior sister missionary from Mexico that arrived two-and-a-half months ago.  Just as we rented a car from the Church while we were in Germany and the Philippines, she is renting one of the cars from our fleet.  However, Missouri law requires foreigners to obtain a U.S. driver’s license within 90 days to continue driving.  June 7th was rapidly approaching, and I was concerned should she not pass the test, and that I would have to take the car away from her.  She passed her driving test on the second attempt this week (you get three tries).  But then you have to get the DMV to give you a license after proving residency.  She and her companion went prematurely to the Independence DMV and they refused to accept any of her documents showing residency.  Fortunately, a local member who spoke Spanish took her to a neighboring DMV location where they were a bit more accepting, and the sister missionary got her temporary license.  On Wednesday evening, Eileen and I are taking two of the young Spanish speaking elders out to dinner.  Elder Aguirre has been the elder through whom I have communicated with this senior sister missionary.  We are going to celebrate our not having be be the bad guys in a very awkward situation.

With my change in office duties later this week, I will no longer be on call seven days a week.  This will make it possible for me to commit to being at the temple every Saturday, after I have trained Elder Parker (who now will be on call seven days a week).  My hope is that beginning in July, I can be a temple ordinance worker again.  That is something I have missed while we served in the Philippines and for the last ten months here.

"In June 1833, the Prophet Joseph and his counselors in the First Presidency prepared a plat for the city of Zion - a plan for the layout of the city.  President Frederick G. Williams drew the plat, which called for a bishops' storehouse and 24 temples in the center of the city [Independence], surrounded by blocks divided into property for residences.  The plat included a brief explanation of the 24 temples. They were to correspond with to quorums and functions of the priesthood. Twelve of them corresponded to the Melchizedek Priesthood, and the other twelve corresponded with the Aaronic Priesthood. Each temple was to bear the inscription "Holiness to the Lord." In August 1833 the First Presidency prepared a revised plan for the temple which to be built first." See below. Text other than that in brackets taken from 

Casey Griffiths a BYU Church History professor, and our tour guide from last summer, invited us to join him and his tour this past week for a brief visit when they were in Independence. Casey invited us to share a few momentous events from our family history tour last year and the wonderful miracles which occurred, despite having a member of our family needing emergency medical care and a tornado hitting the area during our visit. 

Russell suggested that we organize a visit to Adam-ondi-Ahman with the senior missionaries. We had a great response with 26 senior missionaries attending. 
There are a number senior missionaries specifically called to do the upkeep on this sacred property.  President Russell M. Nelson is their mission president!  One of the senior missionaries serving in Adam ondi Ahman, Elder Rosenvall,  gave us a tour and explained many interesting facts (information about the area).  Missionaries have been serving here for 50 years.  The Church owns 3,600 acres on the area proper and another 5,000-6,000 acres buffering the area.  The song "Adam-ondi-Ahman" was sung at the Kirtland Temple dedication, even before its location in Missouri was announced by Joseph Smith. There is a mound near the site which has been determined to be a Native American burial site with 30 bodies buried in that location. 

                     What a beautiful place to share a quiet moment with your spouse and companion.

This rock is called Preacher's Rock. When President Sommerfeldt stood on it to talk, we could hear everything he was saying from a good distance away.  The area is a natural amphitheater that helps carry the sound.  

I am wearing a hand brace because I had a cortisone shot in my hand this past week.  Sister Creer and I are now playing racquetball left handed.

                                                     President Sommerfeldt on Preacher's Rock. 

Elder and Sister Shahan with Sister Kearns. Sister Kearns is still recovering from the surgery removing her brain tumor. 

We saw this sign on the way home from Adam-ondi-Ahman. Seems rather a let down after being in such a sacred place. We saw a lot of road-kill both directions of our travels. 
When is a pool with your apartment complex not a good thing?  When it is in your second bedroom! We had a problem this past week with water leaking from the apartment upstairs. Starting tomorrow some of our walls are going to be ripped out and bedroom carpet padding replaced.  Hopefully mold hasn't started to grow.

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