Sunday, November 3, 2024


This fall, like they have done in prior years, Missionary Medical sent out a reminder to the missions to promote getting the missionaries vaccinated against the flu.  Historically, the Missionary Department, of which Missionary Medical is a part, has encouraged future missionaries, under the direction of their individual doctors, to be inoculated for the flu, Covid and a number of other diseases.  In almost all cases, if someone is unwilling to be vaccinated, they will not be assigned to serve outside their home country.

Like last year, Eileen tried to arrange it so the missionaries could be vaccinated at a zone conference.  That way they would not have to go to a pharmacy or doctor on their own. Unfortunately, in order to have someone come and administer the vaccines, you have to guarantee a minimum number of shots to be delivered.  And like last year, there were not enough missionaries willing to get the shot to make that possible.  Less than a quarter of the young missionaries were willing to be vaccinated.

The decision was made to try and entice missionaries to get their flu shot by offering a Crumbl cookie, at zone conference, to anyone who got inoculated and reported it to Eileen.  At zone conference this week, Eileen handed out three-and-a-half dozen cookies.

While I can understand why someone would not get vaccinated if they have had a bad reaction to a shot previously, or if their doctor advised against it due to their medical situation; I don’t understand why you would not follow the medical advice from a medical doctor and General Authority Seventy who heads Missionary Medical. Or choose not to follow the example of a medical doctor and President of the Church who had his picture posted on the internet of him receiving a Covid shot.  I guess when some raise their hand in sustaining the prophet and other general authorities in conference, maybe it is a qualified sustaining.

This past week, two missionaries, one young and one a senior (we don’t call them “old”), injured themselves but chose to try and work through it rather than seek medical advice.  Fortunately, their companions encouraged them to talk to Eileen. In both cases it turns out that bones had been broken, and in both cases I think the missionaries are now glad they followed Eileen’s advice and went to an orthopedic care center. While our individual missionaries span the range on pain tolerance, these two are on the high tolerance end of the spectrum.                                     

This photo is of an unaltered  photo taken with my phone of a beautiful sunset from our patio.  We have some exquisite sunrises and sunsets here.


We have only been to Crumbl cookie once previous to this purchase for our missionaries. It was fun to both see how they operate and also to see the excitement each missionary showed who earned a cookie. One sister said getting her flu shot was the best decision she has made on her mission. We hope that is a bit of an exaggeration. 


                               Sister Parker testing out the reward for getting her shot.

This elder was also stubborn about going to a dr.  His companion sent me a text regarding the miracles which had occurred related to his injury. It is nice to know that perhaps I can be an influence on missionaries when they are hurt or sick.   Text from companion shown below:

It must be why they pay you the big $!  (Our Heavenly Parents, in the currency of blessings).
Miracle 1 - He was wearing his leather shoes.
Miracle 2 - The elders showed up unsolicited  and gave him a blessing.
Miracle 3 - Sister Madsen brought it up at FHE.
Miracle 4 - Elder Healy was paying attention and told you (since I was not allowed).
Miracle 5 - Your medical knowledge and psychology to get him to see a Dr.!  
Thank you!  The toe is fractured.  But aligned … and beginning to heal.

I nagged this sister (Sister Devashrayee) to go to the doctor repeatedly for several days after a fall on some steps in the rain.  She insisted she was just too busy.  She finally consented to go when I pointed out that her grasp was weak and there was a constant popping noise when she moved her arm. I think she was afraid to call me to tell me I was right. Instead she just sent this photo with the caption saying it was fractured.

These two sisters volunteered to role play at Zone Conference. Later that night she was running a 102 temp.  I told her companion to please take off the blanket and then gave her other advice to help her symptoms.
It was a downpour today at church.  What a great idea these youth had to provide umbrellas at the drop-off point.   

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