It has been a busy week. Last Saturday a sister texted me as I was headed to the temple. I was concerned about her symptoms and made some suggestions and said if she wasn’t better by Monday I would send her to the doctor. Sunday morning her symptoms had increased. Her companion is an EMT and gave me a very thorough report of what she had observed. I determined she needed to go the ER, and she was admitted that evening for several days of testing and treatment. During this difficult time, it was interesting to see how she accepted the challenges that had come her way and will continue to do so. She testified of knowing of God’s love for her, that she had a Heavenly Father who was watching over her, and an earthly father who is in heaven who is also watching over her.
Monday afternoon Russell, me and Sommerfeldts visited her in the hospital so that she could get a priesthood blessing. As we were walking down the long hallway to the elevators, I mentioned that I thought there were 2 missionaries ahead of us. How many well-groomed young men in suits do you see walking around a hospital? As we entered her room we were surprised to see 11 missionaries from this sister’s district in the room. All were dressed in missionary attire, despite it being Pday when they can dress in casual clothes. It was moving to witness a circle of priesthood holders surround this sister, participating in a priesthood blessing for her.
Despite a very serious diagnosis, I am very mindful of God’s love for this sweet sister. Her ER doctor was a member of the ward she was serving in. Her hospital specialist happened to be a bishop of a ward in Independence. Her companion had medical training to give me accurate reports of her treatments. She had a diagnosis within just a few days of her first symptoms, which seems quite miraculous. I have been so impressed with her desire to stay on her mission if there is any way possible.
Monday night we had President and Sister Cato come speak to the senior missionaries FHE. This amazing couple used to belong to the Community of Christ, then broke off to form a restoration church and then eventually were baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. President Cato was recently released as the stake president for Independence stake. He told us of special moments he had with General Authorities during his time as stake president. Independence and the surrounding areas are places which will have significance in future events of the last days.
This week was transfers. Tuesday, we had new missionaries arrive. We juggled a visit to the hospital along with meeting the new missionaries. I always do a medical interview with each new missionary. Wednesday, we had a departure trip to the Farr West Temple Site and Adam-Ondi-Ahman. President Sommerfeldt discussed the important events which have occurred and will occur in each of these locations. After the trip we went back to the Sommerfeldts home for a testimony meeting and dinner. It was a reminder of how close we are to completing our mission.
Thursday night Russell received a text asking him if he could speak for 10-15 minutes on Sunday. I was proud of him for the great job he did, especially since there wasn’t much time to prepare. I have posted his talk after this blog entry.
This week, Russell got an email from Jazreel Vigara, one of our AP’s in the Philippines. He will be graduating from BYU Hawaii in June with an accounting degree. Russell had tried to get him interested in school when he was finishing his mission. About six months after he went home, we got an email from him asking, "Do you remember that you said it might be possible for me to get into BYU Hawaii? How would I do that?" It is nice to see how this has turned out.
Our replacements arrive next Saturday. We want to give it our all to the end. We are grateful for the time we have had to serve together.
We had Sister Creer over last week for her birthday. Russell did all the cooking.Farr West temple site with the departing missionaries.
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