It has been a wonderful and eventful week. Elder and Sister Lindsay arrived last
Saturday. Spending the last week with them brings back many fond memories of
our time serving as senior missionaries together in the LDS Church Office
Building. We love them dearly and it has
been wonderful seeing how quickly they have picked up all that we have tried to
teach them. Russell and I both have a
sense of ownership in our callings. We feel
like we have invested heavily in trying to improve the processes within the
office, our relationships with the humanitarian couples we serve, and with the
charitable work done here in Europe by LDS Charities. Sometimes when you are
heavily invested in your work, it can become a challenge to turn the work over
to others. That has not been the case in our situation here, as we can know
that the Lindsays are well qualified with wonderful ideas regarding welfare
work. We have spent the last week teaching them all that we do. It has been
busy.Tomorrow morning, the transition with humanitarian work will be complete
and they will take over. We have
complete confidence in them and are so grateful for their willingness to serve
their 4th mission as a couple together. We know that their calling
and the events that led to their being called to this position was inspired.
We had our final zone conference on Wednesday, with Elder
Massimo De Feo of the Seventy attending.
Elder De Feo recently started his service in the Europe Area Presidency.
At the zone conference the 5 senior missionary couples who are being released
in the next month were asked to speak . I
(Eileen), will post our talks on another blog posting so that this posting does
not get too lengthy.
The meeting was very uplifting with a wonderful spirit. The
Swensons spoke of some of their experiences serving as the Young Single Adult
advisors in Europe. They have done a significant amount of traveling. It is a good thing they are young and
energetic. Elder Burt spoke about how the
promptings of the Holy Ghost have helped him meet the needs of the missionaries
he serves as the Area Medical Advisor.
Sister Burt was unable to attend the meeting but will speak later in the
month. The Hackings bore a very sweet
testimony sharing their tender feelings about the bitter passing of their
daughter Sarah. The Savior’s atonement
has helped them through this difficult time. The Hackings have been serving in various
missionary capacities for the last 12 years. They are now going to spend some
time at home helping their family heal from their daughter’s passing. The Proctors spoke of their efforts to help
the church become better known in Europe. They serve in the Publishing Services
Department and have helped develop country web pages where news of the church
is listed. They have also served
tirelessly as our zone leaders, and have been a huge help to all of the senior
missionaries, not just meeting spiritual needs, but also temporal needs. The Proctors
were very influential in helping us get a dryer after 9 months in the field. We
appreciate the association with all of the senior missionaries here in the Area
Office, and will miss them greatly. Elder
De Feo also gave a beautiful talk directed to the many senior missionaries who
are concerned about their children or other family situations. He knows of family struggles associated with service.
After he was called to be a General Authority he started talking with his 10
year old daughter about the possibility of moving. His daughter cried any time they discussed the
issue. With time, the Lord blessed her
with the peace she needed to make the move. Elder De Feo also related the stories of the Savior and the
miracles of raising the daughter of Jairus and Lazarus from the dead. He posed
the question to us: If the Savior can
raise the dead, can he not heal our family members? There are several among our group who have challenges
at home. It was a blessing to hear his great testimony and many tears were
Friday we had the
wonderful blessing of adding a new grandchild to our family. We have earnestly prayed throughout the
pregnancy that all would be well with the baby and mother. There had been some complications throughout
the pregnancy. We were so concerned that we would not be able to be there to
help this family. We heard of the safe
arrival of the baby in the middle of the night. Both Russell and I fell to our
knees in gratitude to God for this tender mercy. We return home later this week. We are
looking forward to seeing all of our family members, including a new grand baby.
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Elder Massimo De Feo |
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Russell consulting with Elder Lindsay |
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Eileen and Sister Lindsay trying to learn the ropes |
We did not get a chance to say good-bye. Thank you for everything that you did for us. Hopefully we will see you on the flip side someday. Cheers. Starješina Newton