This week we have been quite busy. We have been on two trips to the east end of the mission, once to the southeast and another to the northeast, getting apartments ready for new missionaries this coming Wednesday. We have also been looking for three new apartments for the increase in missionaries we will get in November. And in the midst of this Eileen conducted an immunization clinic for three dozen missionaries. Some missionaries got as many as four shots.
Eileen has struggled to get the missionaries their shots. She has been challenged by the wide area over which the missionaries live and our medical provider’s unwillingness to give the shots unless we could have at least 30 individuals receiving shots in one location. To have three dozen missionaries get shots, by the time you count their companions, it means almost half the mission’s missionaries are involved. In the end it all worked out quite well; even for me (Russell) who got one of the flu shots.
Finding new apartments for the missionaries is interesting. We look by both having the young missionaries search in their teaching areas and by our looking on the internet and Facebook. For quite a while we had been looking for an apartment near the office in which we could not only house two young elders but could also handle several more on a temporary basis. We found one near us when we were looking last July for the senior missionaries but due to timing it did not work out. I had since thought that the location would be ideal for the young elders but every time we returned to inquire we were just told nothing was for rent, only for sale. The other day when we were out trying to find a new way back to the office, the road (dirt path) we were driving on brought us out near these same apartments. I commented to Eileen that maybe we should go and look again. Once again, we were told “no units for rent – only for sale.” Eileen decided to call one of the phone numbers listed on one of the for-sale signs and the person on the other end said that they only wanted to sell, but that they would think about renting and if interested call us back. After not hearing anything for a couple days I wrote a follow-up text message. Yesterday to our surprise, at 7:30 am on Saturday morning, Eileen got a call back. We met with the landlord two hours later. Things went so well that she took us up on our offer to show her our mission office one block away. It truly was an answer to prayer.
This afternoon I spent a couple hours with the Tayuman Ward missionary leader out visiting inactive members of the church. I told them the Lord loved them and that we as their ward members missed not seeing them at church. One man was suffering from advanced stage cancer. I offered to pick him up for church next week in my car and take him back home after sacrament meeting. We’ll see if he takes me up on my offer.
Super glue for his head, why not! LOL Great photos!