Sunday, October 8, 2023


We must be adapting to our work load.  This week we were able to go to the gym four times after work, and then on Saturday morning go to Adam-ondi-Ahman for a few hours.  Now that is not to say all was quiet during those times.  Eileen received a call just as we walked into the gym before she started her workout Thursday. She ended up returning to the apartment and spending the evening working with missionaries. I got a call Saturday morning after being on the road only five minutes. But that is still progress!

Today during sacrament meeting, both our phones rang.  We are supposed to have them with at all times so we can be available to help the young missionaries.  Eileen's call was about a young elder and then a text about a young sister. Both were important.  My call regarding a vehicle was not urgent, but the caller thought it was.  

In the Philippines it seemed like the bulk of Eileen's work revolved around physical ailments of the missionaries, here it seems to be about 50% physical and 50% emotional challenges. While reading the medical histories of the 28 new missionaries we have coming next week, Eileen noted how that many have a history of emotional issues.  That prompted her to look back at the current missionaries we have serving.  It turns out that approximately 40% of our missionaries had something of this nature noted in their pre-mission papers.  Combined with those who have been first diagnosed here in the field, it seems half of our young missionaries have had or are currently experiencing emotional challenges.  We figure that more are sent here because we have access to Church Family Service's counselors next door to our mission office. I believe we are fortunate to live in a time and place where such resources are available.

It was one of the Church Family Service's counselors that called Eileen this morning during church.  Last week that counselor mentioned to Eileen that it used to be that young people first experienced being away from home while away at college or in the military.  Now with young men serving at age 18 and young women at 19, the mission field is where many are first experiencing living away from home and having to deal with its related challenges.  I used to think it was odd that missionaries seemed to have more emotional issues now than when I served decades ago.  It is probably just a result of both missionaries serving at a younger age and emotional issues being better identified and openly addressed than when I was young. 

Sister Louder (L), Eileen, Sister Gillette, these sisters are our sister training leaders. They are awesome!

The area known as Adam-ondi-Ahman is located 70 miles northeast of Independence, Missouri.  It is 
a place of beginnings, departures and returns. This is where Adam and Eve first dwelt when they left the Garden of Eden.  Three years before his death, Adam called his posterity together, blessed them , and the Lord appeared unto them.  It is the place where Adam shall come to visit his people, or the Ancient  of Days shall sit as spoken of by Daniel the prophet.  (Taken from the Ensign Peak Foundation website)

Signs are posted on many of the trees warning of poisonous snakes

                                                    We saw several deer while at the site.

Down a path from Tower hill there is a very large stone perched on top of another stone.  We don't know if this has any meaning other than being unusual.

Adam - ondi - Ahman is the only mission in the church which is presided over by the prophet. There are several full-time couple missionaries serving here, they are responsible for taking care of the grounds and making sure they always look beautiful.

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