Sunday, October 15, 2023


The past two weeks have been difficult ones for Eileen, our mission president and his wife, and several of the missionaries.  She wanted to talk about one situation last week but I told her she needed to wait a week, until after that young sister had returned home. I (Russell) did not contemplate that we would actually have two return home early in the same week.  I have heard it said that 80 percent of a mission president's problems are due to 20 percent of the missionaries.  From what I see it is more like 90-95 percent due to 5-10 percent as being more accurate.  The vast majority of our young missionaries are happy and hard working, truly striving to do their best.

Last week I said that the medical issues of the missionaries here were about 50 percent physical and 50 percent emotional/mental.  Upon closer review, recently, the physical medical issues are more like just 30 percent.  The emotional toll involved with these cases are not just limited to the individual missionary, but also their companion, the mission president, and my companion.  It is hard to watch all of them struggle with these difficult issues.  While I am not directly involved, I do see and hear a lot. Last week we had two sister missionaries come to our apartment to talk to Eileen.  After they were on their way, Eileen got another call from an elder who had similar serious emotional issues that needed immediate attention.  Since we couldn't be in two places at once, Eileen had to call the mission president and ask him to deal with the second case.  My guess is that I may be writing about that situation next week.

Through out all this, the other senior missionaries have been very supportive.  One couple took the sister who came to our apartment midweek and let her stay with them for 24 hours until transportation home could be arranged.  Another recently released senior sister missionary accompanied the young sister on her flight home the next day.  Normally Eileen, as the mission medical advisor/nurse would have accompanied her home.  But President Sommerfeldt nixed that idea quickly.  We have too many other similarly critical cases/situations right now and he would not consider letting Eileen leave.

Thursday we had a sister get bit by a dog.  They were delivering a book of Mormon that had been requested.  The bite required stitches and involved a lot of emotional angst suffered by the missionary and her companion.  Eileen spent quite a bit of time with helping the sisters and talking to the missionary's parents. After much discussion and review of the situation it was determined that the sister should receive the rabies vaccine, which she is now getting.

This was a very nasty dog bite. Frightening for the sister missionary and her companion. 

             It's amazing how missionaries manage to get flat tires. This was pretty unbelievable. 

             I guess you know rain is a novelty when you have never seen bags to hold wet umbrellas.

Twenty three new missionaries arrived  on Friday. We were supposed to have four more, however the other four were visa waiters and they had their visas arrive before their departure from the MTC.

                                                       Newly arrived missionaries

Lots of packages were waiting for the missionaries from home. If it does't fit in the suitcase I guess the parents ship it. 

We went to the 200th year celebration of Moroni appearing to Joseph Smith. This photo shows copies of the Book of Mormon in different languages with President Forsyth there to answer questions. He is the president of the historical sites here in Missouri. There were displays and speakers by other denominations who also believe in the Book of Mormon. 

    Books of Mormon were on display from throughout the decades. Also a replica of the golden plates.

Polynesian dancers entertained at the celebration. We are not sure what this had to do with the 200th anniversary, however the dancers were very good. 

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