During the last 24 hours, I (Russell) have been blessed to attend several spiritually uplifting meetings. I’m almost embarrassed to admit that it has been odd, because it is a reflection on me and the circumstances in which I serve as a missionary. Last night Eileen and I were able to watch the Saturday evening session of conference from our stake in Centerville, Utah. It was great to listen to the messages shared by our neighbors and local Church leaders. This morning in Sacrement meeting, in addition to receiving the sacrament, we heard two talks from missionaries; one a young sister serving in the ward and the other a recently returned young man who had served in California. Then soon thereafter we listened to the homecoming report of Elder and Sister Bradford as they spoke in their home ward in Oregon. Each meeting was a spiritual feast, something I found to be refreshing and a much needed rejuvenation.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French philosopher, said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Too often I get caught up in the temporal parts of my assignment here in Missouri. Being detail oriented has its advantages from an organizational perspective, but you can drown spiritually in the minutia if you’re not careful.
This week we got word that a couple had been called to replace the Perrys. Richard and Tracy Parker will be joining us in the office and are scheduled to arrive here in early June. It turns out that the Parkers lived for years in the Jennings Lane Ward about a half mile from our home in Centerville. When I was serving on the stake high council, I was assigned to their ward and have met them on several occasions. It will be fun to serve in the office with the Parkers. As Elder Perry is the Financial Secretary and will be leaving in mid-April, I’m going to have to learn that role before he leaves so that I can cover both positions until the Parkers arrive.
This is the impound lot where Russell needed to pay cash to get out our missionary impounded vehicle, it cost $380 in cash to get it out, note the office sign.
A tornado whipped through our area on Wednesday night, leaving baseball size hail. Storm photos taken from internet news.
Sister Creer is now training to become secretary to our mission president. She will replace Sister Kearns. Sister Welbern has graciously been filling in since Sister Kearns brain surgery.
Sister Creer, Eileen, Sister Campbell and Sister Martinsen at the RS Ward Birthday partyRussell starting the work on preparing all the cars. It is tieless Friday. Most elders take advantage of the opportunity to go without a tie.
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