The mission office is only six blocks from downtown Independence and two blocks, in the other direction, from the Temple Lot, a location dedicated by Joseph Smith for the building of a future temple. So, most of the construction around us is dated (old) and many of our neighbors are on the lower end of the economic spectrum. Early in our mission here we met the “Fox Lady,” she feeds the local foxes at night. We have encountered her in our parking lot late in the evenings.The other day, I (Russell) got out of my car at 6:00 AM prior to entering the office and was greeted with a “Hello” from her as she sat on our grass under a tree. I wondered if she might have slept there. She likely has an apartment near, but I wonder if she forgets that at times.
We also have another middle-aged woman who occasionally walks squares in our parking lot or amoung the nearby trees. She is very precise in making her corners. The other evening I came out from work to get in the car. It had been a long day and my car was the only one left in the lot. And Angel, as I came to learn was her name, was walking her squares between me and my vehicle. My intention was just to ignore her, but to my surprise she asked me a question, “How many places in the Bible is Lucifer noted?” The temptation to follow through on my intention was strong, but I thought I am wearing a missionary badge and I should at least act the part. We had an interesting discussion which I steered toward the pre-earth portion of the Plan of Salvation, focusing on the Savior’s and Lucifer’s parts therein. When I suggested I could have two of our young missionaries come talk to her, she told me that she had talked to them before and she only wanted to talk to someone older, like me. I think she was surprised when I said I could have two senior sister missionaries contact her. I got her name and contact information, and after returning home gave them to one of our senior sister missionaries assigned to the Independence area. As it turned out, Angel was not a “golden” contact. But as I have thought about it, she is a daughter of God, deserving of love and respect regardless of her mental or emotional challenges.
On Saturday, we had a senior district activity. We all drove to Excelsior Springs, about 45 minutes northeast of Independence, to listen to Keith Bowen, a Church member and President of the Missouri Mormon Frontier Foundation. His home was like a museum with artifacts ranging from old copies of the Book of Mormon (several published by other restoration churches) to foundation stones from pioneer era buildings. We visited the location on the Fishing River where Zions Camp encountered the mob in June 1834 and experienced the violent storm which dispelled the mob before any bloodshed occurred. We also visited the grave of Hyrum Page, one of the eight witnesses to the Book of Mormon.
Following our Church History activity, we had lunch at Wabash BBQ, just down the road from Keith Bowen’s home. I have eaten at both Jack Stack Barbecue and Joe’s Kansas City BBQ, considered by many to be the best BBQ places in the Kansas City area, but in my opinion Wabash is better. It was amazing!
Last night, about 11 PM, we had a severe storm hit the Kansas City area. In addition to the rain, hail and thunderstorm, we had straight-line winds of up to 70 miles per hour. The hardest hit area was just south of us a mile or so. At our apartment, we lost electrical service for 12 hours, with the power coming back on just after we got out of church today. Then just as we thought we were going to be good for the day, the power went off again. Fortunately, the church building and mission office did not lose power. It may be a while before this addition to the blog gets posted.
We had Elder and Sister Sheffield join us and Sister Creer for dinner last Sunday. They literally had just arrived in Missouri from the MTC. She was a dance professor at BYU. They are currently assigned to Mound City, Kansas, a very rural city in the southernmost part of our mission. They were both delightful and we felt like we had been good friends with them right from the start.Elder Webber and Poulsen both had a very difficult day this past week. Russell suggested that we take them out to eat. I was surprised they were available. They said someone had cancelled on their dinner appt. Imagine my surprise to find the people who had cancelled eating dinner at the restaurant! Both missionaries handled it like champs. I (Eileen) thought it was very awkward.
Elder Olsen and Aguirre. Elder Olsen's grandpa was my obstetrician with my last pregnancy and saved my life. I am very grateful to his grandfather and will always hold him in high esteem.
Why didn't I get the memo that coral and black were the colors of the day?
This sign on the entrance to a church parking lot in Excelsior Springs, MO.
Brother Bowen sharing one of many of his rare copies of original manuscripts of the Book of Mormon from restoration churches.
This beautiful stained glass window was in the Bowens home which was built in 1909.
Brother Bowen explaining Zion's Camp at this location and the ferocious storm that drove the militia away. Later that evening we had a bad storm which tore down trees and power lines, cutting off our power.
Senior missionaries at Fishing River, site of Zion's Camp. Joseph Smith received D&C Sec. 105 not far from here.