Sunday, May 19, 2024


Elder Ricardo Giminez from our Area Presidency and his wife came this week and conducted three days of Zone Conference, plus he spoke to the missionary leadership and had an additional session for just the Spanish speaking missionaries in our mission. Russell was not able to hear Zone Conference at all, so this week I (Eileen) will have to do my best to describe it. 

Sister Sommerfeldt showed some photos of one of our missionaries in his BYU football uniform and one of her son in his military uniform. She talked about being bound to the organizations these two men are associated with. Then she talked about how our missionary badges indicate that we have bound ourselves to the Lord to preach His gospel and to act as he would want us to. When their son was released from his mission by his father/stake president (President Sommerfeldt), the son wept.  It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy to be home. He even had a girlfriend waiting for him. Instead, it was the sadness which came knowing that he would no longer be in full-time service to the Lord as his emissary.   It seemed to be very thought provoking to many of the missionaries. We never know when someone might be observing our behavior. Are we an example of Christlike behavior in our words and actions?

President Sommerfeldt talked about the importance of being bold in our invitations to others. We discussed boldness and how we can act bold without being offensive.

Elder and Sister Giminez were masterful in their teaching techniques.  Elder Giminez walked up and down the rows of missionaries as he talked making eye contact with each missionary.  On Thursday we had the service missionaries within our mission join us at Zone Conference. Usually with Zone Conference, the service missionaries have breakout sessions during some of the time when the information presented may not be pertinent to them.  This time they stayed the whole session.  Elder and Sister Giminez included them in all their teaching. Some teach by proselyting; others teach in their service. 

Elder Giminez talked about how in the NFL there are 32 teams, 31 need to fail for one team to be the final winner. The gospel is not that way.  Heavenly Father would like us all to be winners and return to His presence. As missionaries teach the gospel their success is not dependent on how many ”friends” are baptized.   In Africa a missionary may baptize hundreds during his/her mission. In Europe a missionary may feel lucky to teach a lesson once or twice/month. The outcomes are not always equal because it is dependent on other’s agency.

Elder Giminez talked about being involved in the assignment process with a member of the Quorum of the Twelve.  At one session the apostle turned to him and asked where he thought the young man whose photo was on the screen should be assigned. Elder Giminez hoping he had the power of revelation made a guess that he should be serving in Sao Paulo, Brazil.   The assigning member of the Twelve then said that the young future missionary would be going to Sapporo, Japan.  In 1 Nephi 3:7 Nephi is told that the Lord does not give commands save he should prepare a way for that commandment to be fulfilled.  Do we believe that we can be successful in our callings with the Lord’s help even though it is beyond our comfort zone?

In 2014 Elder Bednar and President Nelson were both on the Missionary Executive Committee.They suggested the use of technology for the young missionaries. In 2018 a pilot program began for 80 missions to have the use of technology (smart phones, Facebook).  In January 2020 approval was given for the use of technology in all the missions worldwide.  By March of 2020 missionary work in person had pretty much shut down due to the pandemic. Missionary work still moved forward with the use of technology which a prophet could see would be necessary. It was not a coincidence that technology was approved just two months before the pandemic. “A prophet can see around corners.”

A final thought which struck me was that Elder Giminez felt very strongly that we are assigned to our location because of our mission president and wife.  He said if the Sommerfeldts were called to Alaska we could very well be serving our mission in Alaska with them. We both have a great deal of love for the Sommerfeldts and are grateful for the opportunity we have had to serve with them. 

I (Eileen) attended all 3 days of Zone Conference. While sitting on metal folding chairs for 3 days can be a little bit challenging, it was wonderful to observe the missionaries. Several who have had difficulties with obedience, mental health or physical health issues were there participating. One even stood behind me at the end as we went to go meet Elder Giminez. This particular young man was one who I was concerned would struggle on his mission. Even his parents were hesitant about the probability of him being successful on a proselyting mission.Yet, as we stood there in line together, he told me how much he loved his mission and was happy to be here. He felt this, despite the fact that he had gotten into an accident earlier in the week with his new vehicle.  In my mind that was definitely a feel good moment.  Perhaps we are doing some good here. 

Elder and Sister Gimenez with President and Sister Sommerfeldt 

                               Elder Jimenez didn't eat lunch but instead visited with the missionaries.
                  Elder Clifton signing for the singing of The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning.
These ladies were assigned lunch. I was getting nervous when it was 7 minutes til lunch was supposed to start and they weren't at the church and we didn't have their contact info. They rolled in with 24 hot pizzas. The missionaries loved it. They were giving 3 slices/per person.
Elder Hall, Elder Dennison and Elder Healy trying to figure out a problem with the new truck. Elder Hall taught automotive classes in his pre-mission life.

Sister Sommerfeldt talking about making commitments and being bound to the Lord. Here she has a photo of our missionary Elder Thomason who will be going to BYU after his mission. 
Elder Wunderly and Elder Mortenson role playing teaching Elder Gimenez about the law of chastity. 
Sister Devashrayee taking her medicine the nurse just gave her. She was feeling pretty miserable during Zone Conference. 

This package came to the office totally trashed. Some poor mother paid $72 to ship this. There were holes ripped in the box all over the place. It was obvious the package had been treated poorly. I can see this happening if we were overseas, but we are in Missouri!

Russell hanging some paintings for Sister Creer in her apartment.  The painting above is Come Follow Me by Liz Lemon Swindle. The painting below is  Of One Heart, Emma Crossing the Ice by the same artist.  While Joseph Smith was imprisoned in Liberty Jail, Emma crossed the frozen Mississippi fleeing extermination with their four children. Emma sewed Joseph's translation of the bible into her petticoats.   

Another photo of the Community of Christ Temple. This time it was interesting to see it with the spire in the clouds.

1 comment:

  1. It may not be our temple, but The Community of Christ Temple looks lovely in the clouds.
