This week, the news of the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) that would be visible on Friday and Saturday nights was well announced. Pictures Saturday morning on the local TV stations and social media were amazing, and motivated Eileen and I to try and see them for ourselves. At 10:30 PM Saturday we set out, driving northeast. We were trying to get away from the city lights, and in that we were successful. However, we failed in our efforts to see anything and returned home a little before mid-night. It was a beautiful, clear night, lots of stars but no Northern Lights. We are going to have to trust the accounts of others and accept their pictures as to what had appeared in the night sky. As I drove home last night, I wondered if this is what it is like for investigators of the Church listening to the missionaries, or for young children hearing from their parents about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everyone wants to see for themselves, but most of us have to just live by faith (see Hebrews 10 & 11).
As we celebrate Mother’s Day today, I find myself extremely grateful for Eileen, the mother of my children, for my mother and grandmothers, and for my mother-in-law. All have been such an important and cherished part of my life. All but Eileen have passed on and I find myself missing them very much. I look forward to the day when we can be together again.

We really put a lot of effort in to see the Northern Lights. I know they were visible in our area, because there were several photos such as this one above taken by Travis Heying not far from Kansas City. We don't normally stay up til midnight, however Russell kept thinking if we drive north just a few minutes more maybe we will see them. Alas, we were disappointed and finally gave up.
Sister Creer and I (Eileen) went to a celebration of Harry Truman's birthday at the Truman Presidential Library. Truman lived in Independence, both prior to and after being the U.S. President. You can see both of us on the far left hand side of this photo, just to the left of the lady rummaging in her purse. We were at the front of the line of guests. Family members are in front of us.
Sister Creer, me and Harry Truman.
Elder Thomason (middle), has returned to our mission after being on a leave of absence for surgery. Elder Hall on the right is 6'5". He has never met anyone who has as big of feet as him. Elder Thomason has a size 17 shoe so he beats out Elder Hall's shoe size.
Sister Creer's foot in comparison to Elder Thomason's The heels of their shoes are touching.
Sister Dennison usually goes to the YSA ward, however joined me today in our family ward.
We have been blessed to have wonderful mothers. Above is Russell with his mother.
Russell's Grandmothers Werrett and Healy. They came to his house regularly to help his mother while she was ill with cancer.
Eileen with her sisters and mother at her sister in law's wedding. Eileen is in the blue.
Our family, outside of the Bountiful Temple after our son Jonathan was sealed to us.
Russell was very close to my mother. He loved to cook for her on Mother's Day. His mother died a year after our marriage.
A text from young sister missionaries this week. It is the second key fob which has been lost in the week. Unfortunately after several unsuccessful efforts to retrieve the key, it was determined this key was forever lost in the crack under the front stairs.
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