As I (Russell) sat down to write about this past week, I struggled to come up with anything that I thought was interesting. In many ways this week was much like the week before it, and what I expect this coming week to be like. The primary medical issue of the week seemed to be ingrown toenails, which, along with ticks and chiggers, take up a lot of Eileen’s time.
But then it occurred to me, how much better this was than “more interesting” weeks when I had to deal with automobile wrecks and missionaries with emotional problems needing to be accompanied home. This week, my 91-year-old father had hip surgery and is recovering very well. This week, Eileen stopped wearing the boot on her injured foot, and was able to go to the gym again with me. On Saturday, our senior missionary district had its once-a-month temple visit, and my temple assignment schedule just happened to have me sitting in the same room as they were for their entire session. Today we attended our new ward (Independence 3rd Ward) in the Norfleet Road building. Despite the ward membership having just been reduced by the recent reorganization, the chapel and overflow section seating was almost full. Both the sacrament and priesthood meetings I attended were wonderful spiritual experiences, with welcoming members with whom I was previously unacquainted.
Clearly, I need to appreciate the slower and less dramatic pace, and just recognize how blessed I am.

President Forsyth of the Independence Visitor Center taught our Senior Missionary FHE on what the Book of Mormon teaches us about joy and happiness.
I finally took my brace off my hand and the boot off my foot after having worn them for over a month. Saturday I played racquetball with Russell. He played left handed and I didn't do much running around but we still played. I then did some indoor biking and swam some laps. Trying to get back into shape a little at a time. I may be old but don't want to appear dead yet!
We had just returned from the gym when Russell began making fun of the large size of this cantaloupe I bought at a road-side market. He started quoting Mike Myers, "Move that melon of yours!" from the movie, So I Married an Axe Murderer.
Russell presented in district meeting on my favorite conference talk by Elder Alexander Dushku entitled Pillars and Rays. Elder Dushku was our former stake president.
We must have been doing a special in our mission on ingrown toenails. I (Eileen) had 5 missionaries call me within 36 hours with problems with ingrown toenails. I had a total of 16 ingrown toenails that needed to be treated just this week. I also had a missionary with significant heart history who was having chest pain. That gave me a bit of a scare. It seems like I can never foresee what each day will bring. This week has been a busy one.
I have the only window in the office which is front of the missionary's desk. I love seeing the cardinals and hummingbirds outside in the flowers.
This missionary's little finger has created quite a bit of consternation for me. It was recommended she obtain surgery but it has taken quite a bit of my time to make that happen.
We had 27 senior missionaries go to dinner after the temple. Russell was working for his second week in the temple. It was wonderful to see him serving in our session. It did mean however, he didn't join us for dinner.
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